Blepharoplasty /
Eyelid Surgery
Are you considering eyelid surgery? Explore your surgical options with our Board Certified physicians. We’ll work with you to rejuvenate and enhance your natural beauty.
Drooping and wrinkled upper eyelids, excessive skin on the lower eyelids, or under-eye puffiness and bags can make you look tired, fatigued and older than you feel. What's more, sagging eyelids, whether hereditary or brought on by aging, can impair your vision.
An eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) removes the bulging fat, loose muscle, and excess skin from upper and lower eyelids, giving you a refreshed appearance, with a younger, firmer-appearing eye area. Eyelid procedures can be performed on upper or lower eyelids separately or done together.
Upper Eyelid Surgery
In order to keep the scars as invisible as possible, incisions are made within the natural lines and creases of the upper eyelid. Excess fat, muscle, and loose skin are removed to smooth and lift the eyelid. Fine sutures are used to close the incisions, thereby minimizing the visibility of any scar.
Lower Eyelid Surgery
An incision is made along the lash line and "smile creases" of the lower eyelid, or inside the lower eyelid. Excess fat, muscle, and loose skin are trimmed away to reduce under eye bags. In some cases, fatty deposits are repositioned higher in the eye socket to restore a fuller appearance.
After either procedure, your stitches will be lubricated with ointment. You may also need eyedrops, as well as bandages on the lower eyelids. You will be able to watch television, read or work at your computer within two to three days.
Is An Upper or Lower Eyelid Lift For You?
An eyelid lift is usually performed on men and women between ages 35 to 85, although the procedure can be performed on younger patients with inherited conditions such as drooping eyelids. An eyelid lift cannot erase dark circles, nor can it change sagging eyebrows. If you are considering "having your eyes done," you may want to consider a simultaneous forehead lift to correct a drooping brow and smooth the forehead, or skin resurfacing to remove the fine line wrinkling in the eye area.